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Monday, April 28, 2008

Written by Lillian 93550824

A Travel in Four Years

1. September, 2004
This is my first time to leave home for studying. For me, the distance between Kaohsiung and Taoyuan is so far away. I look this chance as a travel for experiencing independence.

2. Summer 2005
My first experience of taking tram is for visiting my grandma. That period, almost every weekend I would take tram to Taipei to see her. Finally, she passed away just in few weeks. Unstill now, she was the first family leaved me away to the heaven. I believe that she will be very happy. Because after more than 30 years, she must has met my grandpa at there.

3. October, 2005
One day, my brother took a rabbit home. Because hair of the rabbit is brown, so we call it Tu-dou means peanut in Taiwanese.

4. February, 2006
For me, the most wonderful hotel in Taiwan is the Lalu Hotel. During the winter vacation, I with my family went to the Sun Moon Lake. And the Lalu is located on Sun Moon Lake’s Lalu Peninsula, it just faces on the lake. For my brothers and me, that was the first time to there. However, twenty-five years ago my parents ever been there on their honeymoon.

5. August, 2007
My parents have bought an apartment which building on the riverside of the Love River, I think that is for their living after retired. However, they also keep three rooms for my brothers and me. My mom ever said, “Even one day you would leave home; I hope you still have a place in the home.”

6. February, 2007
I with three friends went to the Beijing. I was really so happy, that’s the real experience for China’s ancient buildings. I ever wished that one day I can went to the Forbidden City, after I saw the movie - The Last Emperor.

7. November, 2007
I was really surprised for wining a prize for the school’s poster competition. Actually, the poster was an assignment for the Layout Design’s course.

8. February, 2008
I met the teacher who taught computer graphic. He ask me if he can use my past works as the teaching material. I thought that was an honor, because I could share it to much more people.

9. April, 2008
My mom with me went to the Taipei for the test. By the chance, she also went beck her birthplace – Taipei. After test, she took me to visit her old schools, the Taipei Holy Family Catholic Church and the Da-An Forest Park near her old home. I could feel that she was really so happy during the three days.

10. April, 2008
After few months, I will graduate from the college. Even now I'm still comfused for the future, I have been thinking that for several months. Besides preparing for the test for graduate school, I still want to think out what meaningful things I can do for my life.

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