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Monday, March 24, 2008

Writing by Ann, 93550106

01. When I was a freshman, I lived in the first dormitory of Ming Chuan University. It was my first experience to move out from my parents.
02. I remember that I took a field trip with classmates to Nantou. And I had a good time.
03. I remember that I went to sing in KTV with my room-mates in the midnight. Everyone was tired so that we were sleeping by turn.

04. When I was a sophomore and moved out from my parents, my parents took chicken soup to look me especially. It made me impressible.

05. I remember that my friends and I went to Tahi Old Street. There are many delicious foods, such as dried bean curds. And I tasted much food.
06. When I was in junior, I had much homework. Every day, I stayed up. And I had to rise early tomorrow.

07. I remember that my classmates and I took a trip by scooters on Peace Memorial Day. On the day, the weather was bad. It was raining in the all day. Everyone looked like a drowned rat.
08. I remember that I took a trip to Ilan with my friends. We rent scooters to go many scenic spots. And the scenery and townscape are beautiful. I like the place very much.
09. I remember that my friend gave me birthday gift by her hands. It made me to move and shed tears. I was very impressed by her gift.
10. We took a picture for class book. Everyone had to wear robe.

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