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Monday, March 31, 2008

Written by Jeremy, 93550080

1.I remember TWINS has released their first Chinese album in Taiwan when I was a fresh man in 2006 March. Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
2.I remember the Insurance teacher has held an exchanged gift party in Shin Kong department store when I was a sophomore.

Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
3.I remember that my friends and I has ridden the scooters to many scenic spots around taoyuan when the wheather was ridiculously terrible on Peace Memorial Day 2006.
Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
4.I remember it was been in the summer vacation in I Lan 2006. My friends and I have traveled to I Lan for two days.It is impressed that I will never forget it.
Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
5.I remember my class teacher,friends and I have been to Dharma Drum Mountain on March 25th.It is a amazing place making people release and let you wanna be vegetarian.
6.I remember my friends and I have traveled to Pin Shi for two days in Jan.It is really meaningful because we flew the flying lantern with our wish.
Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
7.I remeber the teammate of the softball team and I had been to many places like Taichung,Tainan Hualian and Taipei.Furthermore we got lots of awards and prices.It is unforgettable and movable.
Photo Sharing and File Hosting at Badongo.com
8.I remember the classmates and I have been to Thai in the summer 2007.It is fun and meaningful.
9.I remember that my sister and I have been to Angkor on the last day of December 2007.It is fun and unbelievable because you are almost lost the historic miracale.
10.I remeber that I have never met a wonderful teacher before.She is my English teacher-Louis.

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