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Friday, March 28, 2008

Written by Pat, 93550470

1. I make friends with Alice, Rena, Stacy, Amanda, and Sabina. All classmates know that we are “six sisters” in my class.

2. In summer vacation, my sisters and I went to amusement park which called Ba Sian. And then we went to Dan Shuei. Because Sabina and Amanda never went to there before.

3. I visited Sin Guang Corporation and exchanged presents with other classmates before Christmas. And then my sister and I went to Shih Lin night market to eat dinner.

4. Stacy attended the competition of singing so I went to there and gave her my encouragement.

5. I remember I went to a farm and spent much money. Because I needed to produce a film for the English class.

6. We often went to KTV after midterm exams, final exams, or celebrate a birthday.

7. I went to Thailand to be the travel of graduation. That was my second time to go to outland but first time to live in outside with my friends.

8. In the travel of graduation, I endured my birthday in abroad first time.

9. I went to Taipei have been many time because I needed to get some attestation of finance. But I seldom went to Taipei before.

10. I was surprised that I was chose to test the CSEPT. Because I think my ability in English is not good.

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