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Monday, March 31, 2008

Written by Sammy, 93550452

1. I remember when I was freshmen, my mother asked
me to live in school dormitory although I live in
Taoyuan she hope that I can learn group life.

2. I remember I attended the choir in 2005 but
unfortunately we didn’t win the competition.

3. I remember my classmates and I always had big lunch
after midterm and final exam.

4. I remember when I was sophomore and junior I always burn
the midnight oil before every exam. 5. I remember one day we barbecue in a rainy day, although we all get wet in the
rain, we were very happy.

6. I remember I do many different part-time jobs at clinic, IDEE and cream school,
I really learn many experiences from there.

7. I remember I repeat calculus for three times, to telling the true I really hate it.

8. I remember I went to Hong Kong last summer for shopping, although I didn’t
bought many things, the night scenes was very beautiful.

9. I remember I went to Tailand for graduation traveling, and we drank every

10. I remember the first time I saw Oliver drunk was in Tailand.

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